
When you use one my skills you have to talk to Alexa. This voice input is sent to Amazon and us where we use it to understand what our skill should do for you. This is absolutely necessary for our service to give you an appropriate answer.

If you use one of my skills you fully agree to both privacy policy and terms of use in this page.

Privacy policy

This is to let you know that I (Yaser Adel Mehraban) protect your privacy and your data. please read this policy and my Alexa Skills Terms of Use, as well as the Alexa Terms of Use and the Privacy Policies by the Amazon Digital Services LLC (with its affiliates, “Amazon”).


I never collect or share personal data with my skills.

Terms of Use


My skills or parts of it may discontinue at any time or might contain errors. You use my skills on your own responsibility. Any information should not be seen as an advice since most of these are information gathered from different sources.

For You

I love developing Alexa Skills for you. And love to make things better by developing digital products and services.


If and when one of my skills changes regarding storing any data from you interacting with the skill, this privacy policy will get updated. You can find a link to this policy on the description page of the skill in the Alexa App or in the Alexa Store. Your continued use of our skill after changes of the Privacy Policy or the skill itself will be seen as your acceptance of both.